Young And The Restless Daily Scoop Tuesday, May 11: Victor And Chelsea Con Rey – Adam’s Innocence Is Proven – Transplant Surgery Is A Success

Young And The Restless Scoop: Victor Newman And Chelsea Newman Pull Off A Con

Young And The Restless Scoop: Victor Newman And Chelsea Newman Pull Off A Con

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Tuesday, May 11 suggests Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) and Chelsea Newman (Melissa Claire Egan) will pull off the ultimate con.

Also coming up, the Newmans will gather at the hospital, waiting for word on Faith Newman’s (Reylynn Caster) kidney transplant surgery. Plus, Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) is proven innocent.

Spoilers tease Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) will tell Sharon Rosales (Sharon Case) and Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) the surgery is going smoothly. “Take a breath, it’s almost over.” Sharon will tell Nick she knows he promised to help Adam escape, but there are tons of cops around and “the last thing Faith needs is for her father to be in jail.” Nick will tell her he has something else in mind.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Nick Newman Is Thankful To Adam Newman

Nate will return a little while later and tell them the surgery was a success. There were no complications but now they have to wait to see if Faith’s body will accept the new organ. Sharon and Nick will spread the good news to Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott), Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes) and Phyllis Summers (Michelle Stafford). Then Faith will be brought back to her room and will open her eyes.

In Adam’s room, Nate will ask him how he feels. “Like a building fell on me,” Adam will reply. He’ll ask how Faith is doing and Nate will tell him she’s fine. He’ll say he did a good thing but he needs his rest. Nick will appear and thank his brother for saving his daughter’s life.

Meanwhile, at the Newman ranch, Chelsea will freak when Rey Rosales (Jordi Vilasuso) walks in. “You called Rey?” she’ll say to Victor. “Is this a trap?” Then she’ll tell Rey she’s so sorry and it wasn’t her fault. “I made a mistake. I didn’t know what I was doing.”

Young And The Restless Scoop – Will Chelsea Newman Get Away With Her Crime?

Chelsea will continue to rant and rave but point out she’s not a bad person. She didn’t even have enough poison to kill anyone, she’ll say. Adam and Sharon had it coming, she’ll exclaim. Then Michael Baldwin (Christian LeBlanc) will show up with a doctor and Chelsea will confess to planting the thallium. “I only planted enough to make you sick – this is Adam’s fault!” Dr. Hedges (Michael Bofshever) will then sedate her.

While Chelsea’s passed out on Victor’s couch, the doctor will say she’s suffering from post stroke psychosis and she needs help. There’s a vacant room at a mental health facility and he wants to take Chelsea there. Rey believes she’s guilty. “Congratulations Victor,” Michael will say. “Adam is a free man.” When Michael and Rey leave, the doctor will nod at Victor. And Chelsea will open her eyes, smiling. But will Rey become suspicious that Chelsea suddenly changed her tune?

It looks like a great episode is coming up! Keep reading The Soap Scoop for more Young And The Restless spoilers and news. And make sure you join our free Facebook Group.

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